WordPress theme development
Getting started
- Create WordPress Theme from Scratch—let Brad Schiff’s excellent tutorials lead you down the primrose path of dalliance. He makes it look so easy, you won’t be able to resist. Code along with the rest of his WordPress video tutorials.
- Code Reference – add_theme_support() function—add features such as post thumbnails, automatic feed links, and more, to your theme.
Working with WordPress images
- exactly what is that featured image in wordpress—enquiring minds want to know. My thirdbeach theme uses featured images to set thumbnail images for the article index. Confused? So was I until I read this article.
- Images, Image Sizes and Post Thumbnails in WordPress—essential information on setting default image sizes, adding new image sizes, and generating thumbnails.
Custom comments in your WordPress theme
- Unraveling the Secrets of WordPress’ Comments.php File
- WordPress Tutorial Trainer Part 8 – WordPress Comments
- Customizing Comments in WordPress – Functionality and Appearance
WordPress security
-—good stuff and easy to implement.
Responsive Web Design
- Picturefill, a responsive image polyfill—sending huge images to small devices? Take a read.
- Using Responsive Images (Now)
- Responsive Design’s Dirty Little Secret—rounding errors in fluid grids. Who knew?
- A List Apart: CSS Floats 101—a good refresher. I’m always forgetting these things.
- Jeremy Church: Align Lists Flush Left—formatting lists giving you heartburn? Try this. It’s like sodium bicarbonate for CSS. Don’t forget to look at the codepen entry.
- Sheldon Brown’s Bicycle Technical Info—need help fixing your bike? Start here.
- Park Tools repair help—well laid out and lots of videos.